Training: Courses for Companies
Training for Workers is a key tool for keeping up to date, an indispensable factor for the labor market, increasingly competitive and complex.
Through training, workers can constantly upgrade Skills. The worker can develop two types of specific abilities: the first are the ones that make up the core of a specific job, such as the use of particular equipment, the use of individual protection devices, etc., and then there are cross-skills and intangible, such as learning to manage relationships with others, communication, managing relationships in the workplace, that is, the control of Emotional Intelligence.
Both of these types of skills are developed in the training courses offered by Frareg.
Forming is a tool to develop your own potential, to organize your work optimally, to be more productive and to develop new skills. Acquiring these skills improves their work, communications, relationships with colleagues, clients, management and raising their qualitative standards.
It is through the awareness that attitudes improve. Training is the means to give the worker further and more accurate tools to be able to do their best job. Addressing a job by knowing what potential potential risks can bring us into a different, more alert and vigilant way, and to prevent accidents.
Frareg is an Education and Training Authority accredited by the Lombardy Region for continuing and continuing education: it is authorized to provide training and updating courses on safety and hygiene in the workplace, as required by Legislative Decree 81 of 2008, and the agreement State of July 7, 2016, Annex A, point 2 (b).
Our company provides all the courses provided by the State Region Agreement for all classes of risk: RSPP (Form A, B, C and Employers low-medium-high risk), Training of Executives in Security, Training of Workers (low to medium-high risk), Addictive Training for Pregnant women, RLS, Fire (Low, Medium and High Risk), First Aid, Quotations, Confinished Spaces, Load Handling, Handlers and Mullette, etc .; all the courses required for certifications to Organizational Models, Privacy, Food Safety and Hygiene, in the Environmental field.
Here are all the main training modes we have provided:

Funded training


Games of safety

Training in the Company


Inter-company training
Training Courses
Frareg offers its clients a complete and certified training proposal; the possibility of conducting courses throughout the territory and in foreign languages according to needs; It employs more than 100 trainers with specific skills and diplomas as required by the State Status Agreement.
Frareg performs all his courses on certified standards and is accredited by the Lombardy Region as a training institution for higher and continuing education, as required by the State State Agreement, in order to be able to carry out specific training such as the formation of security actors in the company
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