Consulting and Training Safety, Occupational Medicine, Management Systems, Quality, Privacy, Environment and Organizational Models

Safety at Work News and Regulatory Updates 

Ensuring a safe working environment is not just a legal obligation but a fundamental value for every company. Workplace safety protects employees from injuries and occupational diseases, contributing to overall well-being and productivity. Organizations that invest in safety reduce operational risks, enhance their reputation, and ensure compliance with current regulations, avoiding penalties and legal liabilities.

The Risks of Poor Workplace Safety

Failing to comply with safety standards can have severe consequences for both employees and the company itself. The main risks include:

  • Injuries and occupational diseases: Workplace accidents and illnesses caused by exposure to hazardous substances or unsafe conditions.
  • Administrative and criminal penalties: Non-compliance with regulations can lead to significant fines and, in severe cases, criminal liability for employers.
  • Economic damages: Workplace injuries result in direct and indirect costs, including employee absences, compensation claims, and production losses.
  • Compromised company reputation: A company with poor safety management risks losing credibility with clients, partners, and employees.

Essential Workplace Safety Training Courses

To ensure safe and compliant workplaces, training is a key factor. Frareg offers specialized courses, including:

  • RSPP Employer Course: Mandatory for employers who take on the role of Responsible for Prevention and Protection Services.
  • Fire Safety Training Course: Essential training for managing emergencies and preventing fires in the workplace.

Investing in workplace safety means protecting employees and ensuring the sustainable growth of a company by reducing risks and promoting a culture of prevention.

Key aspects to consider for workplace safety when starting a business in Italy

An essential aspect to consider when starting a business in Italy concerns workplace safety and the related legal obligations. To manage these obligations effectively, it is useful to divide them into three main areas:   Workplace safety Occupational medicine Training 1. Workplace safety Companies employing at least one worker...

28 January 2025

Closure of INAIL Accident: How to Proceed

In this guide, we will explain how the closure of an INAIL accident works, detailing the rights of workers and the legal obligations for employers. At any time, a worker may suffer an injury or occupational illness, resulting in temporary or permanent incapacity to work. For this reason, employers...

15 September 2021

ASPP: Role, Duties, and Responsibilities for Workplace Safety

The acronym “ASPP” stands for Addetto al Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione (Assistant for the Prevention and Protection Service), a role complementary to the Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione (RSPP) and crucial, particularly in medium and large-sized organizations. The ASPP’s primary function is to support and assist...

26 June 2019

Hazard, Definition According to Legislative Decree 81/2008

Legislative Decree 81/08 defines a hazard as “the intrinsic potential of an activity or situation to cause harm in terms of injuries to individuals, damage to health, property, the work environment, or a combination of these.” Definition of Hazard in Legislative Decree 81/08 Article 2, letter r, of Decree...

25 July 2018

Occupational Safety Regulations: What Does the Law Say?

Legislative Decree 81/2008 aims to define the regulations governing workplace safety in Italy, outlining rules, procedures, and preventive measures to ensure safe workplaces and general safeguards for corporate safety. Later, Law Decree No. 146 of 2021 introduced significant amendments to this legislation, expanding the powers of the National Labor...

24 July 2018

Site Manager: Requirements, Appointment, and Risks

Regarding the management of technical and professional aspects related to safety on construction sites, Italian law provides for the identification of a reference figure to oversee such activities during the execution of specific construction works. Often, the client does not have the necessary tools and skills to take on...

17 July 2018

Strenuous jobs: what they are and the requirements they must meet

Strenuous jobs are those that, more than others, prove to be particularly taxing and demanding for those performing these activities in the workplace. The law has intervened several times on this topic to protect workers carrying out the most arduous tasks, such as in the area of pension systems....

17 July 2018

Unfitness for Work: What to Do if the Occupational Physician Does Not Grant Fitness

It is possible that within a company, one or more employees encounter issues compromising their physical or mental fitness to perform their assigned duties. The law has addressed these situations in several interventions to protect both employers and employees. Under certain conditions, permanent unfitness for work may constitute a...

10 March 2008