Training specific risks for workers
The specific risks are the risks to which workers are exposed in particular tasks also in relation to the specific contractual type. The specific risks are risks of the context in which the activity is carried out, for example, the risks associated with the use of a particular type of equipment rather than another depending on where it works, risks during use or the handling of an acid during a particular work phase.
Legislative Decree 81/08 to Art. 28 c. 2 letter f) provides that:
(subject to risk assessment) identifying tasks that may expose workers to specific risks requiring a recognized professional capacity, specific experience, adequate training and training.
and with Article Art. 36 c. 2 (a): The employer shall also ensure that each employee receives adequate information:
(a) the specific risks to which it is exposed in relation to the activities carried out, the security regulations and the relevant corporate provisions;
b) the hazards associated with the use of hazardous substances and mixtures on the basis of the safety data sheets provided for in current legislation and good technical standards;
c) the measures and activities of protection and prevention adopted.
Which specific risks can be exposed to workers
According to Legislative Decree 81/08, the employer must organize specific training courses to protect workers. Among these types of risks, Frange proposes:
Use of self-propelled trolleys with on-board driver
Electrical Workers PAV PES norm CEI 11-27 for electrical work
I work securely away from the ground
Workers in Quota and DPI III ° cat.
Land Moving Machine Addicts
Enable Use Phytosanitary Products – Professional User
Works in suspected or contaminated environments
and their updates.

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