Privacy and sensitive data processing
Privacy is transposed with Legislative Decree 196/03, also referred to as privacy code. This decree provides for the training of persons responsible for the processing of personal data.
As provided by the obligations laid down in Dlgs 196/2003 on the training of staff; it is important to remember that: “for holders of the processing of personal data in their business, in the security arrangements provided by Decree 196, it is required that:
“the provision of training measures for those in charge of processing to make them aware of the risks inherent in the data, the measures available to prevent malicious events, the profiles of the data protection framework for the most relevant personal data in relation to their activities, and how to update the minimum measures adopted by the holder.
Training is already scheduled at the time of entry into service, as well as changes in duties, or the introduction of new significant tools relevant to the processing of personal data. ”
Sensitive data management
Participation in the training course provides the necessary bases required by Decree 196:
Privacy and Data Security (4 hours)