Emergency training teams
According to Legislative Decree 81/08, the employer must organize the necessary relationships with the competent public services in the field of first aid, rescue, fire fighting and emergency management and must designate in advance the workers belonging to the teams in charge to implement the measures of:
- Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting
- emergency
- first aid
- Fire & First Aid
One of the employer’s obligations is to name and form the
- emergency fire fighting team
- emergency first aid team
People nominated in the emergency and first aid team will need to attend appropriate training courses and subsequent updates. The courses will have a variable duration according to the identified risk index.
For emergency, there are 3 risk bands:
- low (4 hours)
- medium (8 hours with power off)
- high (16 hours proof of shutdown, and examination at the fire department)
Even with regard to first aid, there are 3 risk strands:
- A (16 hours, including 12 of the theory and 4 with practical test on the dummy), 6 hours up to 3 years
- B & C (12 hours, including 4 with practical test on the dummy) up to 4 hours every 3 years.
Decree 81/08 for some facilities also includes the training of defibrillator personnel:
BLSD for defibrillator use (5 hours, of which 3 hours practice theory 2)