Consulting for Gender Equality Certification – UNI/PdR 125:2022
What is the UNI/PdR 125:2022 gender equality certification?
The UNI/Pdr 125:2022 practice defines the guidelines on the management system for gender equality, which provides for the structuring and adoption of a set of performance indicators (KPI) relating to gender equality policies in companies.
The Reference Practice, more precisely, provides that the data and evidence present in the company are measured, reported and evaluated, in relation to the forms and practices of inclusion and non-discrimination related to gender.
The declared objective of the practice is certainly to fill the existing gender gaps, proposing a sustainable and lasting change over time, aimed at guaranteeing equal treatment between male and female workers; here is that to encourage companies to adopt a management system for gender equality, some reward mechanisms are envisaged, incentives mainly of a fiscal/contributory nature.
How does consultancy for the UNI/PdR 125:2022 gender equality certification work?
To obtain gender equality certification, Frareg consultancy allows you to take advantage of dedicated support for preparing for the certification process. To implement a management system for gender equality, it will be necessary to transmit to the organization a detailed picture of its reality.
General initial analysis of the organization
The first phase is dedicated to carrying out a company knowledge process: the characteristics of the company are verified, its structure, the dimensional numbers that characterize its workforce, the status of the services that it makes available to existing personnel.
Definition of the KPIs applicable to the organization
The second phase consists in identifying the KPIs applicable to the company reality.
In order to guarantee a measurement of the level of maturity of the individual organizations, in fact, 6 Areas of indicators have been identified which, according to the 125:2022 practice, can distinguish an organization that is inclusive and respectful of gender equality such as.
Each Area is distinguished by a % weight (making 100 the total weight of the different Areas), and specific KPIs have been identified within it; not all indicators are applicable to all organizations: there is a proportional and gradual application of the specific KPIs, based on the size of the company itself.
Analysis of the state of the organization with respect to the single applicable KPIs
The third phase consists in verifying the existing and/or implementable conditions in the organization, with reference to the expected KPIs, based on the achievability of the objectives required by the standard for obtaining the Certification.
Support in the implementation of the System
Once the existing and/or implementable conditions in the organization have been verified, the Management System must be implemented: Frareg consultancy can contact the organization suggesting the moves to be implemented, in order to demonstrate, during the Audit of Certification, the documentary evidence to be submitted by the Certification Body, in order to achieve the required score.
Presence during the visit of the Certification Body
This is the last stage required of companies for Certification, an intervention that is carried out by an accredited body external to Frareg. The release of the certification takes place following a verification through visits to the company. Compliance is issued in case of positive outcome (with a % score of 60% of the total applicable KPIs).