An essential aspect to consider when starting a business in Italy concerns workplace safety and the related legal obligations. To manage these obligations effectively, it is useful to divide them into three main areas: Workplace safety Occupational medicine Training 1. Workplace safety Companies employing at least one worker...
Legislative Decree 106/09 introduced the possibility for employers to assess a candidate’s fitness for work prior to the formal establishment of an employment relationship, i.e., before the employer and employee sign a contract. When the employee formally receives the medical judgment in writing from the occupational health doctor, they...
dismissal for justified objective reasons (GMO), as outlined in Article 3 of Law 604/1966, occurs when the cause is related to reasons concerning the productive activity, the organization of work, and its regular functioning. In particular, dismissal for justified objective reasons may be carried out by the company for...
Dismissal for just cause is carried out by the company when the employee engages in conduct that severely harms the company’s interests. Dismissal for just cause is immediate and without notice, resulting in the loss of employment without entitlement to notice compensation or severance indemnity. According to Article 2119...
PSCLs (Home-to-Work Commute Plans) aim to permanently reduce urban traffic congestion and air pollution levels, providing environmental, economic, and social benefits. What Is a PSCL? Simply put, PSCLs are designed to ensure “sustainable mobility”, seeking a balance between the inevitable need to satisfy people’s demand for mobility and the...
In this guide, we will explain how the closure of an INAIL accident works, detailing the rights of workers and the legal obligations for employers. At any time, a worker may suffer an injury or occupational illness, resulting in temporary or permanent incapacity to work. For this reason, employers...
The Waste Loading and Unloading Register is the environmental document in which all waste loadings and unloadings at the production site must be recorded. The current register format is defined by Ministerial Decree No. 148 of April 1, 1998. Growing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable waste management...
What Information and Personal Data Must Appear on a Certificate? A certificate of training on workplace health and safety is issued by the entity providing the training to an employee upon successful completion of a course and passing the final assessment (at least 70% of total points). To ensure...
The current regulations regarding HACCP The world of catering, bartending, cocktails, and gourmet cuisine is often a topic of discussion and increasingly attracts consumer attention. If you are also passionate about or work with food and want to learn more about HACCP and its regulations regarding hygiene and food...
E-learning is increasingly becoming a dominant method for teaching and training, thanks to advancements in digital technologies that enable remote learning. Online training courses in e-learning mode provide an effective solution for educational pathways of any type and level, covering a wide range of fields and objectives. Through online...
With the entry into force of the European Regulation on the protection of personal data No. 679/2016 (GDPR), the two main roles in privacy regulation have been defined in greater detail: the Data Controller and the Data Processor. The Data Controller is the entity that processes personal data without...
Since the 1990s, Italian and European legislation have increasingly focused on environmental protection. The complexity and significance of the issue have led to the development of an equally comprehensive and intricate regulatory framework, guided by a few fundamental principles. Both Italian policy, particularly through Legislative Decree 152/06 (Consolidated Environmental...
Organizations can obtain ISO 9001 Quality Certification, an international voluntary standard that certifies an organization’s ability to manage resources, structure operations, and adopt production processes that meet specific quality requirements. In some cases, certification may be necessary or mandatory, such as when client company policies require suppliers to hold...
When acquiring an existing restaurant business or opening a new one, it is essential to carefully plan the design of the kitchen. The requirements to be met are numerous, covering every aspect and depending on laws and regulations issued at local or national levels. Below, we outline the fundamental...
The acronym “ASPP” stands for Addetto al Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione (Assistant for the Prevention and Protection Service), a role complementary to the Responsabile del Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione (RSPP) and crucial, particularly in medium and large-sized organizations. The ASPP’s primary function is to support and assist...
HACCP (an acronym for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a food control system introduced by lawmakers to ensure the safety and hygiene of services and goods intended for sale to meet dietary needs. Directly associated with this system is the HACCP certification, which every company operating in the...
Worker Training Updates: When and How They Should Be Conducted How Often Should Worker Training Updates Be Conducted? The general rule for updating worker training is outlined in the State-Regions Agreement of December 21, 2011 (effective January 26, 2012). According to Chapter 9 of this agreement: Workers are required...
Legislative Decree 81/08 defines a hazard as “the intrinsic potential of an activity or situation to cause harm in terms of injuries to individuals, damage to health, property, the work environment, or a combination of these.” Definition of Hazard in Legislative Decree 81/08 Article 2, letter r, of Decree...
Legislative Decree 81/2008 aims to define the regulations governing workplace safety in Italy, outlining rules, procedures, and preventive measures to ensure safe workplaces and general safeguards for corporate safety. Later, Law Decree No. 146 of 2021 introduced significant amendments to this legislation, expanding the powers of the National Labor...
Regarding the management of technical and professional aspects related to safety on construction sites, Italian law provides for the identification of a reference figure to oversee such activities during the execution of specific construction works. Often, the client does not have the necessary tools and skills to take on...
Strenuous jobs are those that, more than others, prove to be particularly taxing and demanding for those performing these activities in the workplace. The law has intervened several times on this topic to protect workers carrying out the most arduous tasks, such as in the area of pension systems....
All personnel employed in the food industry, in catering and food service, such as restaurants and bars, in commerce, and in any other food-related sector, are required to take a specific course as prescribed by the HACCP system, in accordance with current hygiene regulations. The European Commission has developed...
It is possible that within a company, one or more employees encounter issues compromising their physical or mental fitness to perform their assigned duties. The law has addressed these situations in several interventions to protect both employers and employees. Under certain conditions, permanent unfitness for work may constitute a...
There are three main types of certification: Product certification: Confirms that products comply with specific technical requirements (standards or technical regulations). Company system certification: Refers to the certification of organizational systems, such as quality management systems or environmental management systems (e.g., ISO standards). Personnel certification: Certifies that an individual...
The employer cannot monitor employees’ internet browsing. The Garante Privacy (Italian Data Protection Authority) has prohibited a company from using data relating to an employee’s internet browsing after the worker, although unauthorized, accessed the internet from a company computer. The employer, having examined the computer’s data, accused the employee...
Pubblichiamo di seguito gli atti della Conferenza internazionali dei Rappresentanti dei lavoratori per la sicurezza europei tenutasi a Brussels gli scorsi 11 e 12 febbraio 2008. Tutti i documenti e presentazioni sono in inglese: Press release Welcome and opening Statement Philippe Pochet, General Director of the ETUI-REHS Introduction The...
fonte: sito A practical method for helping service sector companies, particularly in developing countries, to implement ISO 9001:2000 quality management systems has just been published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization) and the International Trade Centre (ITC). ISO 9001:2000: A workbook for service organizations is designed to make...
fonte: sito Businesses can contribute to a more sustainable planet by purchasing goods and services that cause less stress on the environment. However over the last two decades, an increasing number of environmental labels have not always communicated verifiable and accurate information about their products. In order to...
fonte: sito ISO’s magazine ISO Management Systems publishes what it describes as “a rarity” in its latest issue – an article giving the results of one of the few surveys carried out by a professional market research organization to uncover just what consumers know or care about ISO...
fonte: sito ISO An ISO/IEC International Standard aims to harmonize the various approaches used around the world for assessing the quality of e-learning initiatives. “The standard represents the harmonized international know-how on quality for e-learning,” explains Bruce Peoples, Chair of the ISO/IEC group that developed the standard. “By having...
The CSR Glossary is a product of the Pilot Project “CSR/SMEs – Promoting Social Responsibility in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”, supported by the European Commission through the Leonardo da Vinci Program. This document reflects only the views of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any...
Legislative Decree No. 213/2004 outlines measures to improve safety and health standards in relation to working hours. Below are the main points of the decree, including potential penalties for non-compliance by employers. Normal Working Hours Employers requiring their workforce to work more than 40 hours per week are committing...